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Webinar about immigration & taxes in Spain & Andorra
Nereida Ojeda
June 21, 2024

Webinar about immigration & trends in Andorra & Spain


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Spanish Golden Visa, Beckham Regime and Digital Nomad Visa

Summary on Spanish Golden Visa; Beckham rules & Taxation in Spain

Exploring Andorra: Key Features of the Pyrenean Gem

Key points of the Principality of Andorra as a country

How to Obtain Andorra Active Residency in 2023

Main requirements to get the active residence visa in Andorra

Buying Property in Andorra Real Estate Market: Non-Residents Authorization Suspended Provisionally

Andorra Parliament has approved urgently, this suspension for transactions carried out by non-residents in Andorra properties. This new law will enter into force the same date of its publication in the Andorra Official Gazette,.

Exploring Andorra: A country overview

Analysis of the key factors for taking the decission to live in Andorra

Andorra Digital Nomad Visa regulation published

Regulation on Andorra Visa for Digital Nomads already published

Andorra Electronic Administration at the top of Innovation

New Regulation improving E-Administration in Andorra has been approved

Dividend Tax Rates EU vs Andorra

Summary on dividends tax rate in Europe vs Andorra

Andorra Digital Nomad Visa legal requirements about to be approved

The Ministry of Presidency and Economy (interim) has disclosed in a press release that the Regulation developing the Digital Economy Act in relation to the requirements to get the Digital Visa for Nomads in Andorra is going to be approved in two-three weeks.

Corporate Tax Guide Chambers 2023

Fintax Andorra author of the Corporate Tax Guide Chambers 2023

Webinar Digital Economy and new Visa Digital Nomads Andorra

Webinar Digital Economy and the new visa for Digital Nomads in Andorra

Andorra Private Client ICLG 2023

Fintax Andorra, author of International Private Client Guide 2023 from ICLG.

Andorra new Tax Reform

Summary on the new tax law approved by Andorra and published on February 9, 2023

All You Need to Know About the Andorra Digital Nomad Visa in 2023

Key aspects of the new visa permit category for Digital Nomads in Andorra

Relevant amendments in Andorra Immigration Law

The Parliament of Andorra has increased the guarantees/minimum investment for getting the Andorra Residence

How to incorporate a company in Andorra

Brief summary of the process, costs and timing for incorporating a company in Andorra

Andorra European Union: Agreement 2023?

Andorra has been negotiating a potential agreement of association since 2014, and next year could be key

Spain at the bottom of world tax ranking

An excellent post published in the international online web tax foundation concludes that Spanish tax reforms could lead into a recession and directly to the bottom of the international tax index

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies 2023 - Global Legal Insights

Andorra has been the author for a second consecutive year of the prestigious international legal magazine Global Legal Insights about Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies 2023

Fintax at Esade Tax Compliance

The Managing Partner of Fintax Andorra will be the professor at the postgraduate degree in corporate compliance at ESADE BUSINESS SCHOOL

Andorra, top country for Digital Nomads

Andorra as a hub for Digital entrepreneurs or Digital Nomads

Webflow, top 1 web services in the world

Webflow, the web services provided for FINTAX ANDORRA explained in a very simple way

Summary of the video about Andorran Blockchain Law

Video about the approval of the Andorra Blockchain and Cryptoassets law

Andorra Blockchain & Cryptocurrency law approved

The Council of the principality of Andorra has approved the Law on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The agreement was last 30 June 2022 and the law was published on the Official Gazette on July 20th 2022 and will enter into force on October 20th 2022.

Immigration Lawyer in Andorra. The key benefits of having a good and expert attorney in the process.

Immigration is the first step of many things that the clients can do, once located in this small but beautiful and privileged country

Webinar Administrative Residence and tax residence in Andorra

Summary on the key moments of the webinar about administrative permits and tax residences

Andorra tax on financial investments

Andorra tax treatment on income from dividends, coupons, capital gains, currencies, deposits

Metaverse: a new revolution is coming

Metaverse, the revolution changing the world, will modify all the business sectors, primarily the law, which will react late.

Essential Guide for buying a property in Andorra

Guide explaining the legal and tax steps to buy a property in Andorra

Guide Corporate Tax Andorra

Very basic summary on the main aspects of the current Corporate Tax system in Andorra

Our Managing Partner ranked as premium lawyer Chambers 2023

Chambers Europe & Global 2023 has ranked our Managing Partner Mr. Jose Maria ALFIN as one of the top experts in general business law & tax matters for Andorra.

Andorra tax on Tokens and Cryptocurrencies

Andorra tax on cryptocurrencies summarized

Exit Tax and Tax Residency | Fintax

Analysis of the consequences of the application of exit tax when an individual decides to move his residence to another jurisdiction

European Court ruled that Spanish form 720 is illegal

Analysis on the potential illegality of spanish form 720

Moving to Andorra: A Complete Guide to Andorra Immigration

Moving to Andorra comes with numerous tax benefits. Get the facts and details with a complete guide Moving to Andorra Immigration | Fintax Andorra

Fintax Andorra was the author of Corporate Tax 2022 by Chambers & Parnters

Fintax Andorra contributed to the Andorra Chapter of Corporate Tax 2022 by Chambers & Partners

Cryptocurrencies & Tax payments under Spanish Radar

Spain reinforces the controls over cash payments and cryptocurrencies

Brief history of Andorra: Tax Economics and Political analysis

Analysis on the history, tax, political and economics of Andorra

Are we near to the end of cash?

Analysis about the potential end of cash

All about Andorra Tax System

A brief explanation on the main characteristics of the Andorra Tax system currently in force

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